H81 Department
Water, Atmosphere and Environment
Institute of Meteorology
Working Groups
Environmental Meteorology
Nuclear disarmament and weapons control
Meteorological support for nuclear disarmament and
weapons control
See also follow-up page on my University of Vienna pages
Staff: Petra Seibert
Former staff: Andreas Frank, Paul Skomorowski
Participation in the Working Group B of the Comprehensive Nuclear
Test-Ban-Treaty Organisation / Preparatory
Participation in source location experiments of CTBT/PrepCom
Internation Data Centre and WMO
Research to support source location from radionuclide measurements
Organisation of the Kick-off workshop of the new Independent Group of
Experts on the detection of clandestine nuclear-weapons-usable
materials production (iGSE)
DPRK test 25 May 2009: Detailed
news with technical information on the CTBT public website
Technical Analysis of North Korea's Oct. 9 Nuclear Test by Richard
L. Garwin and Frank N. von Hippel
Transport Modeling and Data Fusion in Support of Comprehensive
Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Verification by Wotawa, G. and A. Becker,
Contribution to the The 29th
Monitoring Research Review: Ground-Based Nuclear Explosion Monitoring
Technologies, Denver, Colorado (Sept. 2007). Contains measurements
and atmospheric transport calculations indicating the nuclear nature of
the DPRK test.
Paul R.J. Saey, Andreas Becker and Gerhard Wotowa: North
Korea: a real test for the CTBT verification system? Part II: noble gas
observations CTBTO Spectrum, 10, 20-21
Petra Seibert and Paul Skomoroswki (2009), Source Location for the
Exercise 2008, Oral presentation at EGU General Assembly 2009. (pdf, 3.5 MB)
A. Becker, G. Wotawa, L.E. de Geer, P. Seibert, R.R. Draxler, C.
R. D' Amour, M. Hort, H. Glaab, P.Heinrich, Y. Grillon, V. Shershakov,
K. Katayama, Y. Zhang, P. Stewart, M. Hirtl, M. Jean, P. Chen
(2007): Global backtracking of anthropogenic radionuclides
by means of a receptor oriented ensemble dispersion
modelling system in support of nuclear-test-ban treaty
verification. Atmos. Environ.,
41 (21), 4520-4534 ([Fulltext for
Elsevier subscribers] )
Wotawa, G., Lars-Erik DeGeer, Philippe Denier, Martin Kalinowski,
Toivonen, Real D'Amours, Franco Desiato, Jean-Pierre Issartel, Matthias
Langer Petra Seibert, Andreas Frank, Craig Sloan and Hiromi Yamazawa
(2003): Atmospheric transport modelling in support of CTBT verification
-- Overview and basic concepts. Atmos.
Environ., 37 (18),
Further links:
The Nuclear Weapon Archive
includes technical background on North Korea's nuclear test
>>> Follow-up page on my University of Vienna pages